Wednesday, April 4, 2012


“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” ― Mark Twain

My greater sense tells me that Obama should be re-elected but my greater sense has failed me before with Republican tactics brought to bear.The other elements shaking my complacency that right will out is how dirty they fight.  I'm not naive and know that all politics are dirty but the lies that people believe are mind boggling to me.  One relative is against 'Obabmacare' and could not give me one truthful reason why.  Another told me he thinks Donald Trump is wonderful. When I said he is a liar, he demanded I tell him one lie he had told.  I mentioned that Trump still doesn't believe that Obama is a citizen and was told, "He has never proven he is."  I am lacking the gene that produces patience in view of total ignorance

Robot call in Wisconsin:  "Please vote for social sanity and not for Mitt Romney and homosexuality."  We have become an ignorant nation of sheep who have lost all sense of direction and need to be led everywhere in life.  The unfortunate part is that they have been conned to believe that it is their Lord who is their shepherd and not the Koch brothers and other wealthy, powerful  men trying to take over (and destroy) the country.  They must see themselves as the Alpha Plus Intellectuals of a Huxley novel.

Aside from all the many other aspects as to why I would never be elected president, something like 49% of voters would not vote for an Atheist. No poll, to my knowledge, has been taken for how many atheists would vote for a religious candidate who admits he would serve in office with Christian religion ruling uppermost in his mind.  Apparently Atheists follow and believe the constitution more than religious people in politics do.

“I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference.”
Jack Kerouac

If only I could get to the same place as Jack Kerouac on the not caring part.  It seems to elude me.

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