Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Santorum finally bowed out.  It is strange how they all seem to blame the other guy for not being in touch.  Santorum is about as far out of touch with the majority of the American people (51%, I'm told, who are female).  As far as I can see, he came too close to being president.  It frightens me that there are so many supporters  (at least the media makes it appear that way until one looks at statistics.  First of all, not everyone who attends some of the meetings held by candidates can vote for all the candidates who they were feeling out.

We are in frightening times.  When a political party (though there have always been dirty fights and lies in campaigning)  tells lies so outrageous and on aid and video all the time, it is difficult to know which party is speaking the truth.  With the instant replay  we now have available, and the great archive search engines, no one can hide from that they previously said and there have been a great many gaffs during this campaign season.

Some people truly believe that baseball is the great American pastime. How can it be?  we know it is sexual activity.  It begins early in life that children enjoy genital manipulation.  They haven't read the Bible and do what comes naturally.  When Santorum preaches there should be sex only for procreation, he might as well tall the 'poor folk'  they will have to stop breathing or eating.  In our family, little boys played with the one toy in front them, attached, which they could not break or lose.  Society has not developed only sin for pleasure, but has become realistic enough to recognize pleasure as provided by the Lord who planned the body, if that is what you believe started us all..


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