Monday, April 9, 2012


Everyone speculates, but there are more who are now read and heard.  Even Al Jazeera talks about the spectacle of Democracy in the US.  Republicans are busy trying to find a way to stop anyone from voting who might vote for Obama instead of Romney.  I heard a call the other day for Eric holder to be impeached though I never heard the why of it

The world is in chaos.  Historians can contradict that it is worse than ever as they cite more violence and terrorism in the past.  Quite likely so but sensibilities were better prepared for those conditions in the past.  Romans could see men killed by lions as though it were one of today's movies (which it has become in our era).  We punish more for hurting animals today than we punish for cruelties of man to man.

Is the world really worse today?We'll never know as we have not lived in times gone by.  We only know the, perhaps, romanticized and edited versions that have come to us over time through the eyes of the authors.  I worry about the poor losers who try to win with lies and cheats, total distortions, and using the 'tool' of blaming others for the faults you possess within yourself.  If people though that Reagan was a great actor, have they watched Romney lately?.  Once again, I'm turned away from religion when I can watch this man who tithes thousand (if not millions) to his church and can and can open his mouth to millions of people and mouth the most ridiculous lies about his opponents, Obama, let alone his Republican opponents as well. More impressive is his ability to do it with fire in his eye and a straight face, as though he believes what he is saying.

Since most voters tend to listen to their own party, the people who should hear the truth are unlikely to listen to her nor believe it because of all the con artist strategists out there telling the candidates what to say.

Alas, I've already counted many out there who will negate my vote in milliseconds of its being cast.  Nevertheless I will vote and hope for the best, that we cannot live in a totally dumbed down society.  Can We?                               

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