Sunday, May 6, 2012


With the current usage of the Internet, people don't have to wait two years to get something 'polished' about their thoughts, research results, or anything else they want to share with the world and from which they get instant feedback.  The route to Atheism used to be a much lonelier journey,  Most all children are exposed to the religion of their parents very early in life.  To deviate from that indoctrination and the often ostracism from parents for doing so is a notable.deterrent to voicing one's lack of religious belief in today's world.

There are those who believe you are born an Atheist though there is nothing yet found in brain research to confirm this, and those who are shocked to think that others do not believe in their God..  What is more likely is that some of us are born with a need to prove everything we believe, just as an infant learns to taste and bite everything to understand or later recognize it. 

Religion is replete with doctrines, under the name of God's word, which would suggest that God changed 'it's' mind as often as Mitt Romney changes political stances.  Just as we have people trained to translate the Constitution, to make it fit today's world, the Bible has become obsolete by its advanced age.  What made sense in the year 1 AD might not fit in today's world.  I do not know if anyone has ever financed good solid follow-up research to see if those 'we trust in God' make out any better in life, overall, than Atheists. 

Recently, Valerie Terico wrote an interesting article on  How I Left My Evangelical Christian Faith.  To read just how one person reached her own conclusions, click here.

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