Saturday, May 26, 2012


There might still be  few Christians who would ask, "What would Jesus do?' but there are others of us who are asking, "What would Mitt do?  The answer to this, with his views on anti-abortion, is very frightening to women who thought we had laws to protect us from religions to which we do not subscribe actually taking control of our lives.

Steve D of Daily Kos writes on what has been happening in Georgia lately.  It is beyond my comprehension why an American terrorist group is allowed to continue in the United States with such seeming immunity from justice.

How many women in America must be humiliated with vaginal probes, sickening routines to emotionally harass women before legal abortions can be accomplished, or suffer in areas where abortion clinics are forbidden to function even though abortion is legal by Federal law.

Most of us grew up with the belief that our government would prevent the 'bad' guy from winning for long. We do have an Attorney General, don't we?  Do local police just turn a blind eye to what is going on?  How many clinicians have to be wounded or killed before the hypocrisy of pro-life becomes evident to all?

If you did not watch the Rachel Maddow Show Friday evening 5-25-2012, please make sure to click here and watch the first segment of her show.

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