Sunday, June 10, 2012


For those of us looking to simplify our lives, it is a surprise that it will have to cost more.A couple of years ago, shopping for food in another state, I as pleased to be given a paper bag and commented commented that it was nice not to get a plastic bag.  I was told that store owners were very displeased with the edict that only paper bags would be used for the sake of the Island's environment. The store manager was unhappy about that demand as it costs more to use paper on an Island than plastic, This was an attempt to save animals, fish, and whateve3r else would be effected by this.

Toronto, Seattle, Alberta, are but a few places having banned plastic bags. For the complete article., Cljck here
Apparently most stores would prefer to endanger the environment than have to raise prices.  Many work on a very slim margin of profit and their profit comes from volume, not single sales.

What we, of course, have to realize that people who work for plastic bag companies have to work, too.  With every decision to save one thing, we endanger another. By all means, haven't we learned when we banned cigarettes from public places that no restaurants lost business over least not for long!   If it weren't got Trader Joe's, I wouldn't have a paper bag in which to put my catalog and cardboard recyclables.

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