Friday, June 1, 2012


Most often I agree and truly respect Howard Fineman when I see him in MSNBC.  However, today I took issue with an opinion that I thought lacked his usual sensitivity.  His remarks on the statement made by John Edwards after the verdict freed him (at least temporarily and hopefully permanently) and Mr. Edwards spoke about his love for his mother, father and his children.  He made a particular, teary specific mention of the little girl, Quinn, who was the result of his extra-marital affair that has brought down his political career.  

ohn Edwards said he loved all his children and this was not criticized but when he mentioned his little girl from the affair so fondly, he was criticized.  Howard Fineman
thought it was appropriate during that statement as it was presented.  That little girl will one day grow up totally aware that she is 'different' than her half-sibs.  I believe John Edwards made his shame that his own immoral, unacceptable behavior was his own responsibility.  What he will have to live with is the visible, tangible product inf this little human who will grow up knowing that her parents weren't married at her birth.  She will hear that the mother of her half-sibs was dying while he was creating Quinn.  She will undoubtedly feel hostility from those who believe they are so moral they must look down on those whom chance of birth dealt with differently as in color of skin, gender identity as in homosexuality, as well as propriety of birth.

This child was not aborted.  She was brought into this world for whatever reasons those who created her made the choice that she should.  She was innocent of her own conception.  She does not deserve to be sentenced to a world in which she must be made to feel lesser because of the actions of her parents  .I think it will be therapeutic for her to see a video of her father's speech, at some later time, and see and hear him proclaim his  love for her.

In this, the 21st C, some seem to be holding onto values of two centuries ago.  This child should have as much potential as has been given her by her biology and, hopefully, her nurturing should advance her success. The sins of the parents (her mother and father knew they were in an immoral relationship while her father's wife, Elizabeth, was dying. Nevertheless, none of that can be changed now.  However, Quinn can be loves and accepted for the innocent child that she is and was.

We have no right to speculate or judge what any of them were thinking or feeling.  We can certainly make a choice that we would not want a President who, we believe, does not demonstrate the character we know is needed in the job as President of the United States,  We do not have a right to judge this child's worth, character, or judge her as less by reason of the actions of her parents .  I will only hope for her that the ones who think they know what behavior God wants will steer clear of her with their opinions. 

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