Tuesday, July 10, 2012


When I listen to the spin by the Republicans, their 'PACS", there negative attacks, I wonder where they are living.  If they have such great solutions to the problems of our economy, where have they been for the last 12 years?  Sometimes, listening to their surrogates, I wonder about male Stepford robots.  I doubt the untruthful man with the funny name, Reince Priebus, who has the delusion that he is running the Republican party, somehow knows how ridiculous he actually sounds.  When he said, (speaking of Obama) he spoke of the head rotting.  Is the head rotting limited to only Democrats, Obama, or was he speaking of all 'heads', which surely should extend to Republicans, as well. Since he is head of the RNC might have been talking about himself, perhaps?

Grover Norquist still holds the Republicans by their most vulnerabled bodily parts.  They have foolishly signed the 'No new taxes pledge".  Getting rid of the tax cut to the rich is not a new tax.but simply goes back to the previous state before the 'temporary tax cut' was put in place..  

Romney, whose favorite Supreme court judge was Roberts before the last decision on the Affordable Care Act, now has everything negative to say about him.  The vacillations of Romney make a joke out of truth and consistency. One has to wonder how long Romney can hide his off shore, Swiss, and Cayman Islands bank accounts.  I'm holding the fan to hear (or see) more about this.  It can't happen soon enough.  We only have about 120 days before the final vote..


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