Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Three years ago, a brilliant little boy of fourteen wrote a book Defining Conservatism.  His thinking, at the time, proved that conservatism ideology is at a fourteen year old's level.  Today, at seventeen, he is about to enter college in New York and, having giving up politics for the moment, he has been reading the great philosophers.

Today he is no longer a conservative and says he gave it up when he began to hear ideas which turned him against social conservatism.  He leans more to the left than the right but reserves the right to avoid labels and says he does accept the total ideology of either party.

For a view of his evolution, click here.  Remember it starts with the before and you must read a bit to get to the today.  Politico reports CPAC's  Wonder Boy Swings Left.

Does it suggest you have to be brilliant, well-read, and young enough to absorb the world around you to forget about being a Republican?  Or, do you have to grow up and leave Georgia for New York? 

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