Saturday, July 28, 2012


As the world is glued to their TV sets for the next several weeks watching the Olympic games, Romney is continuing to make a fool of himself in Europe.  The man is presidential candidate who has made it this far in the race.  When the English phrase, 'Mitt the twit' is being bandied about, we should now realize that the world has admired our current President Obama for the manner in which he has run foreign affairs for the United States during his term of office.   This may come as a shock to those who have been lied to for so long.  After all, in the US we still hear the question 'So what has Obama done for us?'

It has been clear for some time that Romney expects to be elected without revealing  himself in any way. It has caused me to wonder many times what exactly he wishes to hide by concealing his tax reports.  If he was listed as the CEO of Bain from 1999 to 2002, did he draw a salary while claiming to not be involved?  If he did, can that be one of the many things he is likely hiding.  Can anyone tryst that he has the best interest of our country in his heart if he hopes to be elected without our knowing truths about him?

Watching the parade of countries with athletes representing them, it is difficult to feel so important in this world.  204 countries, many of which I have never known of their existence, show what a diverse world we live in.  If Romney had really wanted to learn something about our foreign policy he would have hung around the Olympics talking to as many representatives of countries as he could.  Then he might have realized his own insignificance.,

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