Monday, August 27, 2012

Grover Norquist
8/26/12 Sunday night on 60 Minutes  (Season 44 Episode 51) were shown the currently most influential man in America.  Please be patient. there are too many commercials you will have to wait through to get the whole story as it is, apparently, a repeat of what was on the TV.

Norquist is described as trying to be modest.  It is not modesty, he speaks of Grover Norquist is just one of the voters whom he has in his control.  I have been writing about the evil of what Norquist is doing to our country but naive voters have refused to believe that one man can become so powerful.  He is not alone.  Money has dictated our elections and the Supreme Court was either bought or talked into a very stupid decision.  Justice Scalia seems happy that he was able to convince other jurors to vote his way.

People, speak to everyone you know who may be able to listen to reason and talk them into seeing what this man represents. Norquist claims the idea he got to start the no raise taxes theme when he was 12 years old riding home on the school bus.  I plead with you to listen to Grover Norquist on this video.  He claims the pledge is not to him but to the voters whom he also controls with money to their competitors.He is a smooth con man.  Do yourself a favor if you missed 60 Minutes and listen to the whole video portion of that interview.

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