Saturday, September 15, 2012


Romney could not wait to be voted into office before he started to act 'presidential' and acted, without knowing what consequences there would be to his actions.  He accuses Obama of being divisive..  He behaved in an unbelievable divisive manner and only fed fuel to the hatred towards Americans.  Not only was that non-partisan but it was destructive far more than his insistence to not raise taxes on the rich.

I have been speaking of the need for good judgement in exercising use of free speech.l  One of the pundits was heard to talk about judgement and responsibility with regard to the film trailer that was so offensive to Muslims.  I understand it was taken off YouTube.  Now I will never know what the flap was all about.

The media should not give so much air time to the known nut jobs who appear all too frequently on the 'other' side to keep the shows 'fair and balanced'. Cynthia Tucker and Ron Reagan, on MSNBC, says Romney has lost out on judgement and character and miss his chance to demonstrate leadership.  With all the evidence laid before us by Romney himself, how can we explain the few with willingness to vote for him???

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

The trailer for "The Innocence of Muslims" is still up on YouTube:

The film is quite amateurish, but quite sincere. The film's producer, is a Coptic Christian. The Copts have been suffered persecution under Islamic rule. The film is an unsubtle criticism of the faith that oppressed the producer's people.

This film is a political statement about some of the most repressive regimes on the planet, and therefore deserving of First Amendment protection. The State Department should not have apologized for the film. Instead, they should have made it clear that in the U.S., the government does not control speech as a matter of principle, and that in our country, the appropriate way to respond to this film is to make your own film expressing your point of view. Instead, our State Department apologized for the film, and pressured YouTube to pull the trailer. IMO this is worse than any of the gaffes that the press have focused on. If Christoper Hitched were alive to see this, he would be outraged by out nation's cowardly reaction to this crisis.

Ayaan Hirshi Ali, in her book "Infidel", expresses her concern about the west's unwillingness to stand up to Islamic repression. Her thoughts were made into a film that is also available on YouTube:

After this film was broadcast, the film's director, Theo van Gogh, was murdered by a Muslim extremist. The Dutch government responded by offering police protection for the people who worked on this film, and flatly refusing to censor this film. If only our nation responded this way to "The Innocence of Muslims".