Sunday, September 23, 2012


Nancy L. Cohen (historian, author and contributor to the Huffington Post. Her latest book is Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America.) has written an article questioning whether Romney can keep his religion out of his politics.  She raises many good questions with reference to interviews of people he counseled as a Mormon bishop.  Those interviews were less than complimentary to his attitudes toward women.   It seems he did not believe that mothers should work and had many attitudes which are inconsistent with where women are today in the work world and in their marriages, or lack of them.

I suggest you read the article and form your own conclusions.  My own were formed.against Romney as my president for many reasons over the past several months.  I feel he lacks substance and behaves like a puppet though we do not know who, exactly, is pulling the strings.  Grover Norquist implied that whoever became the Republican president would do as he was told but never said who would be doing the telling.

I strongly urge you to read this article by clicking here. As with all decisions on voting in this election, you will have many opportunities to see the man objectively if you have the capacity to do so.  A vote against someone is a poor decision.  The 'devil you know may be better than the devil you don't know'.

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