Sunday, September 2, 2012


I've been waiting to hear a good decision made by Romney.  He would have let Detroit auto manufacturing go bankrupt; he did not create jobs while Governor of Massachusetts or in the US while at Bain, having most jobs outsourced.  He may be Mormon but he sounds like the Jehovah's Witness door to door door knockers who tell us we must have Faith in their beliefs and in a God some of us do not believe in.

He does not believe government is necessary to the many things for which it has served and he would keep us ion wars. Written by  and   on August 31st  the New York Times had an article describing that it was Romney who, himself, decided he wanted Clint Eastwood  during the Convention.  Once again, his judgment does not prove itself as being trustworthy.  He does not seen the relevance that government has for all the people, even for his own Bain Capital.  He does not have enough self to stick by principles for long.  So far he asks those he considers middle class if they are better off after four years of Barack Obama as President with no consideration of  the fantastic amount our President was able to achieve with all the attempts to drive him to be a one-term President, nor offer any attempt to offer solutions ...only empty promises.  As I say, when I converse with the Jehovah's Witness folks and ask questions to help me understand why they believe if there is no explanation for events, it then has to be supernatural and a miracle.  If that were true, then miracles become explainable by science and physics most often, eventually.  Does that still explain the action as a 'miracle?'.

The New York Times wrote:  " For all the finger-pointing about Clint Eastwood’s rambling conversation with an empty chair on Thursday night, the most bizarre, head-scratching 12 minutes in recent political convention history were set in motion by Mitt Romney himself and made possible by his aides, who had shrouded the actor’s appearance in secrecy."

Google defines:


  1. The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
  2. An opinion or conclusion.
Romney's examples of his good judgment must be filed with his Massachusetts job creation records which showed 47th out of the 50 states.

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