Monday, October 29, 2012


There is a great antidote for Fox Cable News in the form of Current TV.  As much as I think that MSNBC does a great job at many things, I find that watching the many people on Current TV like discovering a great new affordable and easily obtainable food.  If you have never watched this cable station, you should try it.  Some of the people with shows are:Cenk Uyger, Jennifer Granholm, Eliot Spitzer, Joy Behar, and many others who have shows.  Tonight was a surprise as I happened on the documentary, Becoming Barack.

Having this man's life, hardships, goals and achievements spelled out clearly makes Romney look like a kindergartner, self-centered and full of lies.  Barack Obama, if Donald Trump ever allowed himself to see the truth, show what an uniformed, egotistical, viscous man Trump actually is for all his smiling ways.

I can only hope that the documentary will be repeated several more times before the election. If more people really knew his history, brilliance, and all the things he has done to make the world a better place, the would no longer begrudge him the Nobel Prize given to him.

Check the schedule.  If it is repeated, don't miss it whether you like our President or not.

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