Saturday, November 3, 2012


Why do so many people see confrontation and telling the truth (though it may not agree with the person to whom you are speaking) as one and the same.  If that were the case, that any differing opinion is a confrontation.  We would have someone like Romney who says what he thinks people want to hear most of the time, if not all.  I think he messes up when he hasn't been told enough about the audience for whom he is speaking.  Clearly he did not mean to be secretly taped when he gave the 47% speech.  But a real leader must be able to tell the truth and not be changing his stance every audience change.  A real leader must assume that everything he says will be archived and thrown back at him/her at some later date.

Having treated couples for many years in less than ideally functioning relationships, not saying what you feel (if you even know what you feel) and not meaning what you say (for whatever you fear the result may be) are two problems that confront many. It cayuses cause people to drift apart because both fear the other doesn't love or approve of them and both are too fearful  to share their real thoughts. Communication becomes limited to 'safe' topics.  "How was your day?  How are the kids? What plans do you have for the weekend?, etc"

How people conduct themselves in a relationship is not usually too far from their handle politics. Are you having trouble with authority?  The Tea Party is for you.  Joe Walsh considers himself a family man but does not pay court ordered child care for his children and wants a smaller government.  He tells whoppers and seems unaware of his own hypocrisy.  My guess is that he has always had a problem with facing up to his obligations and responsibilities, which would give him the illusion that a smaller government would be more comfortable for him.  He obviously either never read or doesn't believe in the predictable results as portrayed in Lord of the Flies in a leaderless crowd with no rules.

There really should be a test for the job of being a Congressman, Senator on both state and federal levels.  There should also be one for President and Vice-President.  After watching what the Roberts court has done to the political campaigning process, there should be a test for that job as well....not the popularity or polical favor one that is now used.

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