Friday, November 30, 2012


     If the world ran my way, we would all be able to live with our own principals as the witches in all stories lived.  "Do no harm".  Of course this requires the ability to listen to others as to what might be painful to them but not to you.  It really does not matter to me whether someone believes in evolution or not.  However, it is painful to me that I would be expected to believe there is not such a thing when the evidence is so clear that there is evolution in all living things..  No one should be allowed to assume we can live without regulations since few people, if any,  can actually regulate themselves in everything.  We all tend to view the world through our own lenses. It is one of the first rules a therapist is taught.  Start where the patients are, not where you think they should be.
     It amazes me how many politicians we have elected in this country who are unable to listen to others or realize what they were elected to do in Washington or wherever they may be.  The election win did not give them license to think their judgement is better than that of others.  That is why there in no one elected official to decide everything.  Our founding father s tried to build in checks and balances but, at the time, the country was far simpler with fewer people, religions, and needs. President Obama is one of the most fair people I have seen in the office. Nevertheless the collective forces working against his goals, stated and accepted by the voters, have achieved much power  to obstruct.  To use power simply to force your religious, racial, made up morals, and whatever else constricts the lives of others unnecessarily is not what those offices intend by our Constitution,  Yet we see it all the time.  Grover Norquist is struggling to put fear and guilt on all those who signed his pledge never to raise taxes, just as others endeavor to extract promises that they wish to have remain functioning even when circumstances have changed; when to keep the promise would be detrimental .
     Perhaps, as we are learning more about the human brain, there will be a way of testing candidates for office by how their brains function.  If voters actually knew what their vote gets them rather than what is being promised, the lives of all of us would be improved.  How we do things must constantly change to adapt to the changes evolution, rising populations, infrastructural needs and so much else dictates.  Those who fight to keep the 'old ways' fight progress and change to the great injury to progress and all humanity.

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