Sunday, November 18, 2012


Religion is not supposed to make people heartless  Yet is seems it does at times .  In Ireland, a 31 year old woman died of septicaemia because that Catholic country allowed doctors to refuse an abortion to save her life because they said the 17 week fetus had a heartbeat.  She may have had an ectopic pregnancy.  To read this story, click here.

We recently had a US Representative to Congress (fortunately not re-elected) who was convinced women no longer die in childbirth.  Yes, they do.  This young woman was in her first pregnancy but she could as easily been the mother of several children who would have been orphaned!

Most religions claim their God is good and not cruel.  If that is true, what happens to the church officials who are cruel and mean.  How can people believe in these institutions?  They have turned into big business and like our recent Republicans in Washington look out for their own interests and not the interests of life, as they claim to do.  They are so rigid about life at conception yet they know nothing about life after birth.

Hopefully the worst of these ideologues are no longer in a position of power.  However, as we have also recently seen through Grover Norquist, the Koch brothers, ALEC and others, you don't have to be elected to serve in government to grab power and wield it.  It is no longer just a war on women's right to control their own body,   Imagine if the reverse were true and the government decided to force men to have a vasectomy for some reason claimed to be an edict from God.  Who is the one who heard from God?  Where is it written that we can believe that someone other than ourselves decides what should happen within our body when we are given a choice?

Rather than put rapists in jail at taxpayer expense, why not emasculate them and make them impotent or, at the very least, infertile?  Would there not be a male hew and cry of the unfairness? Yet we have men in power who think nothing of forcing a woman to use her body to give birth to an unwanted child whose genes she did not choose.

How much can we allow religion to make choices for the rest of us?  Should we allow clitorectomies, female genital mutilation, of female children too young to make the decision for themselves but who will have to live their lives without that which could bring sexual pleasure in marriage, with that which Nature gave them at birth?

What has happened to humanity?  How can we not blame the religions  and their beliefs that seem to go against Nature, not with it.  As long as Nature provides spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), it must be believed that some pregnancies should not reach term.   

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