Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Who is pulling the political strings behind McCain, Graham and now Ayotte joining the 'tempest in a teapot' brigade of Republicans.  What is it all about. Are they so racially prejudiced?  Rachel Maddow is very bright but it is not rocket science to come to the conclusion which she espoused tonight.  It is clear that the Republicans want Kerry to be out of the senate to get another seat for themselves.  Therefore they tout him as the best choice for Secretary of State and are trying to make the country think that Susan Rice is incompetent.  Click here for a bit of important history.  If it weren't so serious it would be laughable.  Republican puppets who are not demonstrating competence have the nerve to disregard all explanations to beat the drum for their ruin the career of Susan Rice, an extraordinarily bright woman who has done an exemplary job behind the scenes of notoriety.

The truth is that few people really follow politics to any great degree. I've met too many people who vote by their own biases and are quick to say they base their vote on the candidates appearance and what he says on the campaign trail though they have no concept as to whether the candidate speaks truths. It is the equivalent of meeting a stranger with rape on his mind and following him because he says, "You can trust me.  I'll keep you safe and just accompany you.through this dark forest."

I truly believe that everyone should have the right to vote if they are a citizen.  But, just as one studies to become a citizen if you weren't born one, I'd like to see voters prepared properly.  If someone could devise a course on the computer for national elections.If someone like Rachel Maddow prepared it, she could make it very clear in an hour as to all the issues, platforms, voting records, etc. of each candidate.It could be run as a public service announcement if the channels were smart enough to realize it would ultimately be to their own benefit.  We were lucky this election because of the work that got put into this election by the volunteer foot soldiers who supported Obama and those who stood with him.

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