Monday, December 24, 2012


As I get older, I realize all the many states of learning one must pass through.  Whoever designed us was pretty ironic.  Just we finally got it right, we either lose it all to dementia or die.  It would have been kinder if the designer had reversed it so that we were fully developed by age 18 and endowed with all the wisdom needed to make satisfactory life choices.  Then we might have several decades to truly enjoy life fully equipped for it instead groping our way or stumbling though it. 

It would be even better if all people really were made equal in intelligence, health, creative ability and all those good things a few seem to start out with or later acquire.  Speaking of intelligence, would it not be nice if our politicians had equal intelligence and knowledge.  We wouldn't have had men assigned to  science committees who lacked even a basic knowledge of human biology or science in the 21C.  Of course, responsibility also rests with the leaders in the Congress who appoint incompetent people to those positions.

How can we call ourselves a democracy when we have a Supreme Court who ruled that we should allow corporations and the wealthy to buy us our politicians.  Fortunately, the people saw through some of that and voted President Obama into office.  We must consider that there are politicians who still do not believe in evolution.  I heard the comeback of a physician to a patient who came in needing an antibiotic to kill a virus.  The doctor said that 30 years ago a particular antibiotic was used but it will not longer kill that virus which has adapted to it (otherwise known that had evolved).  Another has been developed.  He asked the patient if he would like the one that worked 30 years or the one being used today.

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