Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The Republicans have done it again, thumbed their nose at the rest of us, this time in Michigan.  They rammed through a law in just a few hours passing the law which does not allow employees to negotiate as unions do.  They do not have to join a union.  It is called 'the right to work law'. David Koch has recently said that the election does not hinder their goals at all and they have the money to keep working towards those goals.  The money comes from their business of ruining the environment, polluting and other atrocities to Nature to say nothing of how they treat employees.

In some ways, unions did themselves in because many had become corrupt over the years.  However, this 'fix' is truly throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  The Washington Post has an excellent article describing how this law is eroding worker's protections.  Click here.

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