Thursday, January 10, 2013

At this time of the year, when the roadblocks come up with great regularity, I would like to share a personal experience with my closest friends about drinking and driving.

A couple of nights ago, I was out for an evening with friends and had a couple of cocktails and some rather nice red wine.

Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before; I took a cab home. Sure enough, I passed a police road block but, since it was a cab, they waved it past.

I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise as I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or what to do with it now that it's in my garage.
A friend sent  this is anonymous 'joke' to me. There were several thoughts that immediately made me associate to the Teapartiers.
      First of all, the writer must be a congressman because he shows attributes of the Congressional members, denial, obfuscation, making light of misbehavior, and total lack of awareness of consequences, to name a few., .
     Mistake number one:  mixing cocktails and wine
      Number two:  "I took a cab home" is a slight distortion of the truth.  It might have ended the story if he had told the truth, "I stole a cab to go home."
     Number three:  Illustrated easily  ignoring  rules expected for others to follow..  (Did it ever occur to the police that even a cab driver may drink or take drugs and be driving? ) After all, physicians and lawyers rate among the highest addicts in both categories.  I'm sure cab drivers are in there somewhere.
     Lastly, after making a mess, the person does nothing, hides the evidence in the garage, and tells a funny story about it all.
     Recognizing the story was likely made up for laughs, it even further reminds me of the current Congress.  Life, and the people they hurt, is not real to them.  He snuck by the police, while breaking the law in a stolen vehicle, brings no guilt,  (Stealing a man's cab causes no shame or concern nor force an attempt to find whose livelihood was stolen.
     So you see, when you begin to look beneath the laughter, there may be lots of people who are not finding life so the people hurt by Hurricane Sandy who have not been given help but have been left to be eaten up by the private 'lenders'. (Do you suppose there is a lobby who convinced the Congress they would take care of the problem so that no Federal money needs to be given?_

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