Monday, January 21, 2013


Shortly before the Ravens and the Patriot game started, an interviewer was walking around talking to people about what they felt would happen with the game.  Two young women, stating their close friendship. were each cheering for different teams.  The journalist commented, "It's hard to believe those two girls are friends."  It pointed out the current political belief.  You can't be liked if you disagree!.

That is such an immature view of character and life.  The notion that you must dislike anyone who disagrees with you epitomizes the stance of the Republicans in Congress.  A few years ago I lost a friend because she was angry at a mutual friend of ours.  She insisted that I not speak to this person if I was a good friend of hers.That is behavior most grow out of in Middle School but it seems to follow Republican politicians and the media.

Divorce brings those feelings of the need to take sides because of the differences.  I was so touched that good friends said they wished to remain friendly with both me and my es-husband.  This seemed perfectly natural to me and I welcomed them as true friends for maintaining their own integrity.  I only wish that the media cared more about truth instead of trying to provoke fights between people to keep their ratings up.. We have developed a world of peeping Toms with the paparazzi, magazines like People, and everything else that allows people to think that if a person has a public persona, their life should also be made public in every detail.  Apparently more people tune in to stations that give them more gossip and have less interested in what is happening in the world that will actually effect them..  Shame on the stations and the viewers.

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