Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Learning theory taught us there are three ways to make change.  We can coerce (brainwashing, threats, restricting discussion or exposure to new ideas) but this fosters passive-aggressive responses and often  drives people underground.  A second way is that is that people change in adaptive fashion because all around them that change has taken place.  (If you move to a place where everyone has velvet-green lawns, you are more apt to have one , tool or if skirts are short you will wear one whether you like it or not). The third is rational empirical.  Change is made because it makes sense to do so.

In thinking all this over, it applies to power and authority, as well.  Dictators face underground movements.  Today, the United States is facing action from the many militias who have amassed remarkable piles of armament.  Southern states seek secession.  The Republicans are using their power in the way Congress runs at present to hold the country in hostage with a threat to throw the financial world in crisis other than to gain their own obstructive ends. (In truth, I feel these politicians should be drummed out of the corps for failure to do what they were elected to do...serve the people).

Many believe that a law serves as authority or that a position such as teacher, police , government officials, owners, should be respected for the authority their position should lend them.  Unfortunately, the key word here is missing respect.  Authority without respect will be fought against.  A dictionary definition of respect is: 
1. esteem: a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody or something
"He has no respect for authority."
2. state of being admired: the state of being admired deferentially
3. thoughtfulness: consideration or thoughtfulness
4.characteristic: an individual characteristic or point
Respect cannot be demanded or forced.  Behavior and not feelings can be demanded.  Respect must be earned.  Unfortunately, some people mistakenly believe it comes with their appointment and make no effort to earn it, constantly wondering why people do not follow them or their requests.

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