Monday, January 14, 2013


     Power, defined as: (noun) The ability to do something or act in a particular way, esp. as a faculty or quality.
     Authority, defined as: (noun)  The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience: "he had absolute authority over his subordinates.  The right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another.
      Both contain an element of power but do you need authority to have power?  I posit that you do not.  Witness all the con men, the not backed up authority of religious self-appointed leaders and so many others. Dictators who have the might of force behind them steal authority by might, threat,and muscle.
     Authority when given should clearly has parameters stated.  When they are not made clear it might take away some power  People resist that which is not made clear.  If authority is given but not defined, a person might be forced to act alone.  In times of emergency, risky though it may be, many people save lives by acting on their best educated actions on no authority. .If it is not an emergency, in a work place, one might take any action.  If it turns out well, the higher authorities may recognize the results as favorable and offer reward,.or not.  If the results are not positive, it may cost someone a job.  Life is full of risks.  We hear about the successful people far more than the unsuccessful.
     One may have power without authority and authority without power. Each category contains many facets and layers.  Power is gained in many ways.  Men usually use more muscle, threats and warnings.  Since women have traditionally not been regarded as having the physical power of men, they have learned power using other tools.  Both genders use flattery, seduction, their charisma (if they have it), honesty, credibility, trustworthiness, and many other methods to convince.
     The subject is barely touched in this blog.  We shall consider this Part 1, though Part 2 may not swiftly follow.and I would welcome comments readers may be willing to share on their  own thoughts on the subject.

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