Monday, January 7, 2013


Is it that not much is happening with the world currently that we are subjected to show after show doing slideshow videos of 2012.  My sense is that the order is given to the production team, who then does an archival video search, picks out the juiciest, and instantly the show for today.  It makes me wonder when the media will go back to being journalists.  Will the 'check three sources' rule be honored  before they go on air?  We know that Fox News doesn't do that.

Seeing the 2012 clips so recently after we have watched them being replayed ad nauseum recently, it makes me wonder why they do not wait until people have actually forgotten the replays a bit and would see them as reminders.  Now that software to search archival material has been introduced to the media,   Now that the archives prevent people from assuming that people have forgotten about what they said years ago, we might assume that politicians are more cautious about what they utter.  Not so!  Romney continued to lie and deny what he clearly said before right up to his concession speech when the media stopped their interest in him.

Does Tagg Romney not realize that by saying his father never really wanted to be President that he is only confirming the reason for the Majority vote?

It was enlightening to watch Senator McConnell on Meet the Press.  He must assume that people have forgotten he wasted four years of the lives of many Americans while he pursued his notion that he 'would make Obama a one0term President'.  I keep waiting for him to come back to this universe, not that he will accept the consequences of the damage he did to the American people in obstructing progress as much as he did.

Now we can all hang from the edge of the cliff by our fingernails, waiting for those in office to realize that stopping government is really stopping all America.  They talk about over spending but what they are doing, not recognizing that we owe the bills the Republican Congress created during the eight years G.W. Bush was in office while we had a war going on that was put on the government credit card.  Perhaps those who caused the debt should be a bit more responsible in paying it.  Taxing lobbyists who trafficked in arms, and all the other service related to the wars and got rich over the action that killed so many, might be a place to start but it would be too sensible to be enacted, would it not?

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