Tuesday, March 26, 2013


When laws are made with the intent that they will become obsolete at a particular time, like the tax to the rich during GW's tenure in the White House, the Republicans did not want to end it and treated it as though a tax was being added.

When abortion was the law of the land (and actually still is that) states have decided to find ways to get rid of it by getting rid of the clinics which perform them.  The numb brains behind this have short memories.  They have forgotten that abortion was made legal to prevent illegal abortions which were killing too many women.  If these elected officials care about life, in truth, why would they try to make abortion illegal again.  What possible ideology can be behind that?  They claim to respect the constitution.  They claim it is against their religion.  No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion.  If it their religion is at stake, they violate the constitution by injecting religion into our legal system

We have always considered it treason to want to bring down our government.  How is Grover Norquist not brought to task for publicly stating he wants to shrink our government small enough to frown it in a bathtub?

President welcomed servicemen and women as citizens today.  We should be proud of all of them in that group.  They had incredible investment in this country and have achieved remarkable service to it.

How can we solve any problems when we have a majority representative in the House who follow Norquist and want to stop Obama and the government at any cost to the country?

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