Friday, March 1, 2013


A grandmothers who killed her own two granddaughters, then herself.. our legislators working against the best interest of their country constantly, gun manufacturers so greedy they are now marketing automatic weapons for children, Republicans shutting out Chris Christie because he worked cooperatively with the President, producers of food that is toxic to nutrition and health, a total lack of compassion in so many people, a powerful group who care more for a fertilized egg than a living human being, and this list could go on and on.

We hear so much more today with a media that bombards us with truths and lies and has no expectation that we are affected negatively by the discrepancies.  It seems there are two kinds of movies, those for pure sublimation and documentaries meant to be a recording of history.   The boundaries have been obliterated and future generations will see movies that are misread to be documentaries and they will find it difficult to find movies to relax them and allow a few hours of living within a dream.

We must add to that the many things we must learn daily just to survive in this exciting new era of technological advances.  Youth will have little difficult as the human brain is a sponge for information.  A problem arises for older humans for whom the spnge seems to have little space for absorbing more.

Having reached a 'ripe old age' as some might call it, so many around me seem to no longer have the ability to learn.  I find this tragic for them and those who are around them.  It takes me back to the days when music was played on round disks with grooves.    If a groove became slightly damaged, the same phrase was played over and over.  We developed descriptions such as 'stuck in the groove', repeats like a 'broken record', and success as being 'in the groove'.  

Lastly, when one doesn't behave as prescribed by others, right or wrong, we are described as 'marching to a different drummer'  Without some of us marching to the drummer within rather than a drum beat set by those for  whom we have neither agreement or respect, it takes courage to maintain one's own identity and beliefs. For many, all this must be down while worrying how to survive with enough food, a roof overhead, and medical care when needed..  Life is no longer the American dream for the majority of Americans.

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