Saturday, March 16, 2013


The Republican party is fill of displacements.  If you listen to their quarrels with everyone, it is usually a reflection of their own problems being spoken of as belonging to others.  CPAC is as much of a demonstration of their lack of leadership if you didn't convince yourself that was true when you watched their convention.

One of the most tasteless and tactless displays was Clint Eastwood at the convention speaking to the empty chair fantasy-filled by President Barack Obama.  Fortunately, no thanks to the Republicans who backed them, Todd Aiken and Richard Mourdoch were not chosen by the electorate.  Now we see very little being shown as talent for 2016.

We are being talked at by Donald Trump, who started to run for President but withdrew after he had succeeded in convincing many that the President was illegally in office because he wasn't born in the US (tho9ugh his official birth certificate was in full view on the Internet.)  Rick Santorum, a primary loser , as well as a loser in general for his rigid positions so out of touch with the populace.  Not re-elected Allen West should never be allowed to represent

CPAC sticks to a platform that, if the Republicans had learned anything for their Presidential loss, would have made them behave differently. For a group that claims to want government out of their lives, they certainly are sating their thirst for security, medical care and money  from it and their salaries and perks.

I can only keep repeating that each party must devise a checklists of knowledge that must be met by candidates before they are allowed to represent their party.  The house of representatives is currently being run as effectively as most Middle Schools whose population is immature, does not understand why they have to be there, and has not yet tuned into life's realities, remaining unwilling to follow or accept authority.  Wouldn't it be nice to have some 'normal' people in the party who will take over a leadership role to have the House work for the country and not the individuals in it who do nothing but spend all efforts trying to get re-elected.

I would rather pay a few dollars to the government for overseeing campaign contributions,   These funds should be balanced for all, given out only when the candidate has past criteria for the job.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

For many years, the Republican party in general and CPAC in particular has been on the wrong track. But this year's CPAC conference clearly indicate that U.S. conservatism is abruptly changing course. The speech that got the loudest applause was delivered by Sen. Rand Paul. Sen. Paul gave this blunt assessment of his own party: "The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered". After years of sacrificing our civil liberties to the war on terror, Rand Paul gave a spirited defense of the bill of rights. In stark contrast to G.W. Bush, Sen. Paul stressed the importance of balanced budgets. And after years of pandering to the christian right, Sen. Rand Paul asserted that the Republican party should be the party of personal liberty as well as economic liberty. He also was cheered when he blasted the war on drugs.

The GOP had to change at some point, but it is still rather surprising how much change we have seen since the 2013 election. Think back to the previous CPAC conventions, where GOP-Pride participation was controversial and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition was given a chilly reception. Could you imagine a speech such as Sen. Paul's address getting a good reception at any CPAC convention before this year?