Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another speech from the bullying pulpit

Our bullying administration has chosen to ignore advice from many credible sources and tried to put strength and force (the bully's choice) to win something never really explained. Do we win with bases in Iraq that will be blown up rather quickly? Do we get democracy in the middle East when it doesn't wish it? Does no one recall Osama bin Laden in an early speech saying that he would break the USA economically? It is happening gradually and we are quaking morally to save something unknown, for President Bush. He will have no admirable legacy, no matter what is done.

Quote Bush: "The more successful we are, the more "troops can come home". Bush, as usual, painted his rosy picture while the military and media is saying otherwise. In one of the Marx brothers' films, Groucho Marx, when caught in a lie, answers angrily: "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" My reaction to Bush's speech was that he was aping Groucho Marx, without bushy eyebrows and moustache. A difference between Groucho and Bush is that 1/3 of Americans seem to be believing his words and not their own eyes, extremely frightening for the other 2/3 of us.

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drwelts said...
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