Sunday, September 2, 2007

Is Sunday really a day of rest?

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest according to the Bible. What a strange concept. In the Utopian communities of more than a century ago, it meant that the men had a total day of rest while the women served them. For large families, even getting children several up, dressed, fed, and off to church is hardly restful! Since Blue laws allowed people to shop, someone has to work to make that possible. Lots of people, who work out of the home all week, use Sunday to catch up on household chores and repairs, mow lawns, get themselves ready for the next work week.

We also have the myth of the weekend warrior. I'm in the majority of people most commonly called a slug. I love staying at home and watching the morning political shows and doing the rest of the things I love to do. By the time I am up, abluted, fed, bed made, kitchen cleaned...quite a bit of the day is used up. I plant only perennials in the garden which, in its mish-mash, looks like an English garden and hides the weeds at a distance, as long there is always some flower in bloom, showing color. I pick up after myself and wash pots and pans after I have used them as I cook, hang up my clothes at the end of the day or put them in the hamper, and am a multi-tasker. I rarely do one thing at a time and rarely watch TV without another task in hand like knitting, or cleaning out a drawer, or going through catalogs. I would welcome a 25 hour day because my days are always too full. Sunday is no different. With all that, I still can't get everything done I wish to do. Monday starts a new work week and I wonder where all the time has gone. I think I follow a very efficient way of life, to little avail. I know that I am not alone.

Life has been enriched by media but, more frustrating, with snail mail spam, email spam, phone solicitations now coming from non-profits, phone calls and telephone recordings from people with whom you have done business, politicians, and all the others you swear you will not use, buy from, or for whom you will never vote. They are bothering me, interrupting whatever I am doing...or awaken me during a rare nap, or just distracting my thoughts.

There is NO day of rest. Only Melina Mercouri found one in the movie Never on Sunday. Would that we could all turn the world off for a day.

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