Monday, October 15, 2007

Let George Do It

In WWII, I first heard the expression, "Let George do it." pertaining to having sex with a virgin. Then the "Do what Feels Good" generation was spawned. Today, it is , "Do whatever it takes." but not in the context of a compassionate, moral goal, but rather, to amass as much money as possible regardless of the cost to other's lives, hence Enron was able to emerge with others behaving similarly. The rift between lowest wage earners and CEOs has grown exponentially in the past few years until, at last, shareholders are speaking out against it with some small success.

What happens to women in the oldest profession, who become the oldest citizens? I had never thought about it. However, some very compassionate people in Mexico (you know it can't happen in the US because so many religious people think compassion is only for the good and moral) have demonstrated its meaning. Our legislators, those who control the pocketbook for our country, are too often hypocrites because so few of them are without sin, but they make laws and preach against their moral definitions of sin. They won't even allow families to be compassionate to one another. Euthanasia is forbidden, though a relative may be suffering an unnecessarily protracted and excruciating death, pleading for the right to die.

We spend billions for a useless war, but we can't lower the rate of drug addiction because we think it more costly than warehousing drug users in jails and leaving them with nothing for when they finally get their 'get out of jail free' card.

Were the priest-sexual-predators demonstrating the compassion we have been told is part of their training and that which they teach? Do the corrupt politicians and law enforcement agencies show compassion?

Is it compassionate that currently in the USA, the rich get richer and better educated, while the poor get poorer and less literate? For tedious reading on the subject, read this. When seeing crimes being committed, people being hurt, request for charitable contributions, we seem to be back to, "Let George do it."

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