Sunday, October 14, 2007

My kind of travel

Many of my friends save for the whole year to take a week's vacation in some distant place. My preference has always been to spend my money on my home and its contents, to make my home a vacation place all year. All my hobbies and toys are here. Sometimes someone manages to drag me away for a bit, or I brave a visit to family in London. I've been to Spain, Morocco, Greece and many of its islands, Turkey, Alaska, the Panama Canal and some of Central America, and lots of Caribbean Islands. In St. Thomas, we tourists were warned not to leave the center of town alone. My curiosity genes are reallyhealthy and always active, so my husband and I peeked beyond and saw abject poverty while the center of town looked like 5th Avenue jewelry stores. In Spain, Morocco, Turkey and Central America, child beggars clung to us to ask for money, undoubtedly thinking we were wealthy and could spare lots of it. This doesn't happen on TV travelogues.

Occasionally one hears that travel in not so pleasant. Not even my home is necessarily safe today. I prefer to stay home and travel by TV and the Internet. Google will take me anywhere on earth and outer space. Now that is really 'getting away'. Today it is possible to walk around world museums, National Parks, what your prescription will really do for you, make reference books obsolete, and so much more while I sit in a comfy Herman Miller chair. It makes me wince when someone says, "I don't need a computer." Even more maddening is, on phone, "Are you near your computer? Will you look up 'xxxx' for me?" from these same people. Ah, but this not the right place for that rant.

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