Saturday, December 29, 2007


My physiology is no longer set up for recreational tension and stress. I'm for instant gratification these days and happy endings. My whole evening was spent with my stomach in knots, hoping against hope that the Patriot's would break records. They did lots of that. However, it looked like they were going to lose the game (and their unbeaten score for the year) until they rallied and got a couple of touchdowns in their pocket. Then with a little over a minute left, the Giants scored another touchdown, though were short 3 points for a tie. Finally the clock ran out and the Patriot's were winners, undefeated for the entire year!. I wonder how my constitution will stand the play-offs and the Super Bowl if they make it there!! At least tonight had its happy ending.

When I think back to my teen years, I loved risks. rode roller coasters and on the back of motor cycles, accepted rides from strangers all the time, and wonder how I made it to this age relatively unscathed and alive. As the years go on, I guess I am too aware of the dangers out there in the real world. My perception is that there were fewer of them when I was a teen than there are today...or do I only think so because we didn't have a TV to report every blip in the world, constantly, from everywhere in the world.

Despite what happens to my chemistry with the tensions set up by a football game with so much at stake that really doesn't touch me personally, I masochistically watch the game and will continue to do so through the rest of the football season through the Super Bowl.

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