Sunday, December 30, 2007


Having survived the agony of suspense over the NE Patriot's last night, tonight I went to the cinema to see the movie, ATONEMENT. It is a drama, romance and WWII movie based on an Ian McEwan novel. It has already been nominated for many awards though it has not played in the US major theaters. Focus Films, the film company that also did the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice filmed this production.

This an exciting, emotionally moving, suspenseful movie throughout and well worth the 2 hours - 3 minutes it takes to view it. However, don't look for the 'chick flick' mentality here. Unlike Jane Austen, Ian McEwan uses a very different outline for his plot. My usual rule: ; 'I want to leave the theater laughing' was broken. I guess I figured, if I had survived the football game of the night before, my nerves would survive a drama. The acting was superb, all details beautiful done and the music totally and unexpectedly different but to the ears like beluga caviar to the taste. The very long line for the ladies room, directly afterwards, might speak a bit about the female audience as a whole. None of the conversation was negative. Women talked about having read the book and how wonderful it had been. It was, to me, the kind of movie that I would not enjoy after reading the book, knowing all of what was to come. Was the dash all due to the two hour length of the movie? My theater companion and I debriefed all through dinner, having had identical reactions and wondering how much we had missed, sure that we had been so absorbed in parts that we must have missed dialogue and action.

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