Saturday, December 15, 2007


The Seven books of the Harry Potter series are a wonderful read for children and adults though adults may interpret the story differently and metaphorically. The books are exceptionally well written and give one a magnificent imagery, happily reproduced by the movies. It is a treat to find movies so faithful to the author. The most recent episode is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It is the fifth movie. The last two books have already been released and read by most lovers of the series, leaving two movies to go.

As much as I enjoy the movie versions, I find it a bit strange to keep the chronology in order since I now know how the story ends. I find the experience of watching this last movie a bit like trying to cull out and hear a single instrument in the orchestra. You hear all of them but have to focus your brain on one element. With great effort, I tried to forget what I know about the future to concentrate on the present as it was unfolding on the screen. While I have mixed feelings about this, since I never look at the end of a book before finishing all the preceding pages, I would not wish it otherwise. I relish another exercise for my brain, to keep it in working order.

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