Saturday, January 19, 2008


Chris Matthews went on air, reading an apology to Hillary Clinton. He reminded me of any child who has been scolded by his mother and forced to apologize. It carried that same tone of insincerity and self-justification. He spoke of, 'my heart speaks the truth' (unbiased, no doubt) 'because I love politics'. His heart may speak HIS truth but not THE truth. If he feels that was a sufficient apology to erase the vitriolic claim that Hillary became a Senator, not on her own political ability, but because people felt sorry for her because her husband 'messed around', he is mistaken. He has only managed to demean himself for having put that notion out in the first place. It is an analysis I have not heard from other entertainer/journalists.

Yet other negative nit-picking goes on. There are the blatant Hillary haters. For the persn who had to act tough, then was too tough so she showed her feelings, then we have the cries of the small men or jealous women. There are the real sick individuals who cannot think beyond the next word that comes out of their fantasy-filled minds. Is there anyone out there who can criticize Chelsea as a good parenting job done by two people working together? Apparently there are some who want to try to float stories with no evidence but believed by those who want so badly to believe the worst, even if there is no evidence for it. It makes me feel like Diogenes, He used to stroll about in full daylight with a lamp; when asked what he was doing, he would answer, "I am just looking for an honest man." You can read more on this interesting man here.

Like, Diogenes, I will continue my search though I have finally reached the conclusion I will not find him/her in the media.

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