Friday, January 18, 2008


While the pundits are trying to analyze every movement, sigh, tear, loss of patience, word, look, clothing, hairdos, and anything else they might spot, it might serve them well to remember that even Freud, famous for analyzing all sorts of things and drawing sexual conclusions, said (perhaps with reference to his own penchant for smoking cigars), "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." It means that sometimes you don't have to search deeply for hidden or unconscious meanings, and you should just take things at face value.

However, face value doesn't sell ads on TV. Since adversarial politics make it more interesting for the endless hours TV journalist/entertainers must probe and comment on what they are dissecting about some insignificant comment, or any other benign sign, they must manufacturer something to debate amongst themselves since the politicians failed their task of playing their 'adversarial' positions by the rules of current journalism. For some reason the producers think it makes for better show to pair opposing views. Hannity and Coombes were supposed to represent this, for a fair and balanced Fox News. It failed because they paired a tiger with a mouse, hardly fair and balanced.

It would seem that MSNBC has a somewhat different view of things. They let their powerhouses work alone. Not only does Keith Olbermann carry his own show but actually analyzes what is going in in the country. Something that he is doing must be reaching a lot of people favorably because his open letters to Bush are a real hit on YouTube. He seems to be the only one with views which he dares to express while others pander to their own Gods and biases.

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