Thursday, January 3, 2008


For a long time I have been watching MSNBC because it was more fair and balanced than Fox. I admired Chris Matthews, until recently when he stopped being a journalist and has resorted to spewing his own brand of snake oil sales for his own beliefs. He asks questions of people he is interviewing then talks over their answers. He makes his personal choices clear to his audience and supports them with fantasy such as, "I'm sure they are now in their living room talking about ....." and other totally made up statements which he then offers as though fact. He leads the people he is interviewing and cuts them off when he doesn't like what he is hearing. He makes evident that his own opinion is most important than anyone else's on his air time. I often wonder what Tip O'Neil would think of him today!! What a disappointment! He is obsessed with the fact that Hillary Clinton won't let her nose be rubbed in puppy poop for her vote on Iraq though it is clear she says she would not have voted had she known the truth. Now he insists she SHOULD have known the truth!

There is one clear voice who remains on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, who can tell it like it is without having to make up material to substantiate his opinions but states them clearly with explanations from whence those opinions emanate. Even Tim Russert has slipped a little from his professional pedestal, though I believe he tries to be fair and objective.

Wouldn't it be nice if the media didn't pretend that they had crystal balls but just reported truths and not their opinionated guesses!


Anonymous said...

YEah. Reminded me about this great discussion:

Yiayia said...

Akely, thanks for that URL. You started that thread before I joined LBD. It is supportive to know that I am not alone in my thoughts. It also helps to know where different dawgs come from and is why I avoid the politics and religion thread there.