Thursday, January 10, 2008


It is always interesting to see what other nations think of us. It is also interesting to hear what media think of itself. This BBC reporter was critical of the reporting before and after the primary and is clear that the media will do nothing to change. Honesty from a journalist; how novel; how sad! It means journalists-turned-entertainers will continue to be self-serving, struggle to beat others to views which they can only hope have some accuracy. They feel little shame that their often-untrue comments, believed by those who trust them, actually influence voters and the outcome of elections, which I have come to see as the 'Rush Limbaugh effect'.

I was thrilled that one reporter, a woman from New Hampshire had to tell Chris Matthews, first to listen as he continued to talk over everyone, then to make the distinction that Iowa (where votes are public) and New Hampshire (where they are secret) differ as New Hampshire people consider it insulting to be asked for whom they voted.

Last night, Jon Stewart, on the Daily show showed those few second clips of many of the pundits spouting their incorrect predictions. It was like time lapse photography leading to the same conclusion, in effect, a loop. They start out listening to themselves, then begin to believe it is truth. His guest for the evening was Zogby of the polls. As only Jon Stewart can do, he was able to get Zogby to admit how little real value polls have for learning in advance what electoral outcome will be. While Jon Stewart is an entertainer, not a journalist, he fulfills both roles better than any of the journalists who are trying to be entertainers.

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