Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Since you have chosen to emulate Rush Limbaugh as an entertainer rather than a journalist, you have campaigned for your choice instead of reporting in an unbiased way. You have fallen off my list of media personalities whom I can respect, ergo watch. That will not change your life significantly, but it will change mine.

With much tension leading to final delight, I watched the results of the New Hampshire primary last night. One blogger believes that Diebold was tampered with though he repeats he has no evidence of it. Today another blogger was apparently mentioned in a tiny spot in the NY Times saying that you, Chris Matthews, helped Hillary win by your obviously biased, negative, mouthy stance. After all, the media also holds a bully pulpit and its misuse is as unconscionable as is the President's.

Buchanan thinks the media beat Hillary up and hurt her feelings which rallied women behind her. You, Chris Matthews obviously didn't recognize what the bright ones, the Dartmouth students, were able to see, that Hillary has spoken substance where Obama has not.

Hillary is right when she says it is the toughest glass ceiling to break through. How unwise of you to have allowed yourself to so blatantly advertise your disrespect for women to your large audience. You talk about your Catholicism frequently. Do you believe the Priests is to be respected while the Nuns are only their hand maidens?

Having tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you were not trying to damage Hillary, I blamed what you were saying on your producers. I now see how long I resisted believing that you had compromised your professional reputation and sold out to thinking that only you can be right on. You talk over the people to whom you have asked a question and you cut off people who disagree with your position. I am pleased that you were not successful in New Hampshire last night in totally manipulating voters your way.


Julie Q said...

This video will make your day then.. a few months back when Chris Matthews was on The Daily Show. Its quite the treat:

Julie Q said...

i emailed it to you b/c it was too big of a link