Sunday, January 6, 2008


In my opinion, we no longer have journalists on TV. They should join the writer's union because they are writing fiction as entertainment. They don't report what they see, they slant the news. MSNBC, Fox, CNN and others speculate, report their biases, and the unfortunate voters who are influenced by white men (and occasionally black) believe these talking heads speak 'truth'.

How sad. They pick sound bites out, distort the intent on the speaker's part by eliminating the context. I believe the Republicans were pushing Hillary as the winner initially because they assumed they could beat her. Now they are pushing Barack Obama, again believing they have a better chance of beating him since he looks like a likely front runner at the moment.! And, all the jocks out there fear a strong woman will push us into another few years of their castrated manhood. It is so pitiful that men fear their masculinity threatened by a woman. Most can't even define what manhood really is. It is differing from women in physical genitalia, having different brain chemistry and the ability to produce stronger muscles and sperm. Otherwise, the world no longer needs men to be women's strong men and caretakers. In today's society, while the white men of our nation in charge in Washington still do not vote EQUALITY, women have forged ahead on their own for more equality in their personal and work lives.

When Hillary, 16 years ago, stood up with her husband as he campaigned, she was mocked. Today we have Elizabeth Edwards and Michele Obama, extremely active in running their husband's campaigns and speaking for them, with no one asking what their role will be in the White House if their husband's are elected. Is their any hint that they will be silent and dutiful and make used car dumps put up fences for beautification of our environment?

I am so saddened to think that it doesn't take experience, intelligence and skill to be our takes 'looking presidential', having stage 'likability', making impressive promises with no accountability......oops, there go the rats following the Pied Piper!


Julie Q said...

I'd love to hear your thoughts on dennis k's fiery redheaded wife... I'd probably drive up to New Hampshire to grab a photo op with her :)

Yiayia said...

dennis k makes a lot of sense on a lot of things but his presentation of himself (when he ran last time and people wondered how he could be President with out a first lady then got married to this gorgeous gal), does not turn people on, somehow. I do think the media has not been in his favor and have exploited every opportunity to ridicule him. While he would not be my first candidate choice, I do not think he deserves to be made fun of and dismissed so readily. He has a great many good ideas to offer this nation. I can't help but wonder, in answer to your question, what his secret weapon was to attract this gal. ;)