Wednesday, April 2, 2008


My father used to advise not making decisions on Tuesday as they invariably turn out bad. He never passed papers on properties on a Tuesday. I hadn't thought about that bit of advice for many years as my life rarely allowed me a choice...whether it was Tuesday or not, things had to get done.

However, today brought it all back. I realize now that there are not only Poltergeists in my life, but they are Tuesday Poltergeists. It is not that I haven't spotted them on other days but apparently Tuesday is their day for fun and today the April Fools were partying with them.

One of my computers has the folder with the tax filed for 2006. I did not wish to use that computer this year, preferring to put TurboTax on my laptop so it could be moved around the house. Following instructions, I put the 2006 tax file on a flash drive. Each time I checked properties it read "read only". I would un-set that and put it on a flash drive only to find that it had re-set itself to "read only". This happened too many times to count until I was in complete frustration and stopped trying. That I was tired and hungry by then made me more aware that something was wrong and then I realized it was a dreaded Tuesday.

It was as though everything without a mind had suddenly developed one that worked independently of any previous rule or precedent. The CD/DVD drive refused to recognize either disk placed in it and would only spit it out if I rebooted. After 2 very frustrating hours, nothing worked, Square One remained Square One and I realized that two more hours of my life had been used up unproductively never to be lived again.

At last, the end of the day was near and I had not written a blog for the day. Anyone reading this will never get to see the blog-that-got-away. It was funny, brilliantly written, and would have been tremendously enjoyed by any reader! However, after another frustrating time, it neared midnight. I had deleted two attempts because blogspot would not take a single instruction from me. Fonts were gigantic, boxes of color framed paragraphs, Fonts changed size between conversion from draft to published; the whole program was mad! At midnight, after I deleted two attempts (both of which would not give up their impossible format, I am able to write this one, easily, then realize the reason. It is past midnight and no longer Tuesday!) Even the torrential rain outside has stopped............

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