Monday, May 19, 2008


Whenever I weaken and turn on Meet the Press, George Stephanopoulos, MSNBC I hope I will hear some honest sharing of reality in politics today. Sadly, this doesn't happen. Most striking is how much the MBA's of the country have taken over. The campaign is not about whether a candidate truly is the best choice to run the country; it is about how we can convince a gullible public to vote the way we want as we do in the supermarket to get shoppers to buy our newest and worst product. It has become a game, not a concern for the welfare of our country and its citizens.

For the last 40 or more years I have wondered and asked why we cannot have a President picked in the same way that any CEO might get chosen...on a test of past performance and readiness alone. This should be done by giving them a test to pass, just as school children are asked to take the MCAS in Massachusetts schools, LSAT for Law schools, MSAT for Medical schools and the many more tests given by companies before hiring an employee. How ridiculous it is that we choose our President on the basis of such superficial issues as voice quality, belief in God, and sound bites (usually showing nothing real about what will happen in this country if the candidate is elected).

It is always sad to know that the people who do the most damage to the country are either oblivious to the effect of their actions or just don't care about anyone but themselves and their own political or economic gains. I place politicians and political news journalists in this category with very few exceptions. It is encouraging to note (or is it tragic? I'm not sure which.) that it is currently Pat Buchanan who seems to think carefully and logically before he casts his opinion these days which boggles my mind

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