Monday, May 26, 2008


Is there ever anything to match the joy of being away and coming back to the familiarity of home? I come into the house sniffing like a bloodhound. Ah, all the old familiar smells! My eyes sweep around the rooms. Did my plants survive? Quick, get the watering can. It must have been hot, a few are drooping a bit. Last count I had 29 African Violets all in blossom with the exception of perhaps a couple that didn't get enough TLC, light and water.

While I slept on no bed of nails out, my own bed (when I finally get to it) is always the most comfortable bed in the world. The sounds are familiar and the light patterns around are like watching often seen pictures. Nothing in the refrigerator became a science project while I was gone!

Toto, I clicked my heels and look, we are back in Kansas!

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