Thursday, May 29, 2008


McClellan has certainly shocked a few people with his new book: "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," Chris Matthews was interviewing Ari Fleischer and was deeply insulted, telling Ari he didn't need to resort to sarcasm when he asked Ari a question about McClellan and the job, talked over his answer, then demanded an answer from him. Mr. Fleischer, who had lost my respect with all the lies he covered when he was the White House Press Secretary, raised my respect a nanometer when he had told Matthews at the first opening left him, "When you stop your filibuster I will answer your question." I thought Matthews did admirably to almost hide and control his rage his rage.

Apparently Bush administration staffers find the book "puzzling". McClellan's current negativity regarding Bush's desire to be remembered as a 'great' president was on learning that Bush believed that greatness comes through being a war President. It does cause a regurgitating reflux to think he did that for his own gain at the expense of so many thousands of lives lost and ruined. Such arrogance will go down for greatness, not as the greatest success as his deluded thinking might have hoped, but as the greatest failure as a President whom we have seen in the US.

The book sounds like it might be a good read....I think I'll try it though little is needed to prove we have been lied to for eight years. Rather than trying to separate the wheat from the chaff, it is simpler to just assume that nothing that comes out of the Administration it a truth....and may even be more accurate.

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