Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Measure of Consumer Mood Hits 16-Year Low

This was a NY Times headline today. "The May reading marks the fifth straight month of decline and is the lowest since the index registered 54.6 in October 1992 when the economy was coming out of a recession. "

What will it take for the American elite and John McCain to understand that all is not well on the home front and that continuing the Iraq war so the US will not be 'humiliated' (as though many of us have not been humiliated by this administration for long enough) is a luxury that can no longer be afforded for its cost in lives and the financial cost to us all. I, for one, would feel no humiliation in ending our part in the war as most of the rest of the few participating countries have already done. My greater humiliation was having to admit that my country had elected Bush/Cheney and had started the war in the first place.

What is the indication that citizens of this country feel collective shame or humiliation? We are a disparate people whose majority wants us to be through with the war. That McCain and his followers rate their personal feelings of 'humiliation' as more important than avoiding the loss of America's sons and daughters astonishes me, and leaves me with little respect for his rhetoric.

MSNBC draws me like a magnet as I hear disingenuous Chris Matthews asking what Bill Clonton could possibly be talking about when he says he has never seen so much disrespect for a candidate as that shown his wife. Clearly, Matthews who has had his own hate campaign going about her, trying to make her and Bill one, is blind to the hours of ridicule he has given on his show. However, You Tube and history will bear it out. He can lie to himself about his part in the present but he will never be able to hide what a poor political journalist he has become.

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