Friday, August 29, 2008


Why do we have to press 1 on a phone maze to speak in what most people (though perhaps not officially yet) is the tongue that has been steadily rising to predominance for 388 years. It would seem that we are catering to the plethora of Hispanics, many of whom are also illegal aliens. The judgment on that can of worms has not been handed down yet, to my knowledge.

Somewhat more understandable may be the English and French signs above Eastern NY, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. However, considering the cost to the taxpayer of bi-lingual signs, no one should be given a US driver's license who is illiterate of signs in English.

There had been many generations of European immigrants who took great pride in learning English and becoming citizens. They welcomed their new country in which they felt safe and found work. While they kept their religion, culture, values, ethic foods and all, when out of their homes, the tried to behave as Americans. They did not ask for welfare but extended families took care of one another and everyone tolerated deprivation of privacy and long, arduous hours at work. They were proud of the education they helped make available to their children and the greater life opportunities to which they exposed them.

Barack Obama's speech, as he accepted the nomination for President, was brilliant. It was not the time or the place for him to expand on the people who call themselves Americans but do not behave as such. The flagrant violation of our laws in the name of religion and ignorance is appalling to me. There is a common language of English but, more importantly, their is the greater language of humanity and integrity that has been missing for the last eight years. History will laugh at those who impeached President Clinton for a strictly personal act that hurt no one but himself and his loved ones while allowing President Bush/Cheney to flaunt laws, violate the Constitution and for personal reasons enter a war that killed more people than the worst despots, murderers and dictators in history. We can only hope that we will start speaking in the same voice and language, as a untied nation of people, once again with respect for all Americans, not just the greedy and wealthy.


Unknown said...

I found this page randomly while surfing. I agree with most of what you are saying. However, it is a myth that Americas early non-english speaking immigrants learned english any better/faster than todays immigrants. It is actually the oppisite. But the kids of immigrants now and then have always picked up english quickly. It is a human difficulty to learn a second language no matter what ethnicity you are. Todays hispanics are no different than yesterdays Germans.

Yiayia said...

Reuben, you be correct about the learning process by time. I believe there was more motivation then. I am a first generation American and grew up bilingually. Men had to work so they had to learn to speak passable English. Children learned it quickly in school and taught it to their parents because there was more family time a generation or more ago. People do not seem to want to look at motivation (or lack of it) for learning English as an immigrant. I could write a blog on that alone.