Thursday, August 28, 2008


Is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes was the inspiration of a great joke (but a bit too politically incorrect to post here). Barack Obama is half white and half black by parentage but, for reasons of still evident racial bias, he is seen as black. Does the fact that he fell in love with a black woman make him, more black? Had he been all white with a black wife, would it make him as black? Does Clarence Thomas's white wife make him less black in other than his own self-image, or is it only his face that is brown from kissing he has done? How backward our society still is in these matters.

There is no question that the color of skin should not be the deciding factor on what a person may or not be or believe. It is the person within that skin to whom we should be looking. Racists are too ready to assume that if Obama becomes President, blacks will take over the country. Laws are passed on equality rights which, for all practical purposes, mean nothing. If laws changed people's biases, there would be no more Confederate flag flying in our country. Yet we see that 140 years has done little to dissipate the schism between the North and the South. 50 years ago, black people in most of the north spoke the same English as the whites. Today one may need an Ebonics translator to understand. Was this an influence with which side he identified or were the doors slammed in his face when he tried to identify with his white half?

Only in the USA does having a white mother and a black father seem to make one 100% black. It is not the math I was taught, but apparently the math being used is as unintelligible to me as Einstein's theory.


T-Dawg said...

I thought I explained Einstein's Theory to you. ^.^

Yiayia said...

You see how slow I am......(said with a blush)