Friday, September 5, 2008


If there are those of you around old enough to remember when Bill Clinton anticipated the worst was over for him when he won the election, only to find he hadn't counted on next test, being accepted by the media. I particularly remember Cokie Roberts mouthing off about what would be taught him when he got to Washington, since he dared to think he could come into Washington and take over (not a direct quote), but the meaning was made clear. It was insinuated that he would learn who really runs Washington.

With condescension, Sarah Palin said in her speech, 9/3/08, "I'm not going to Washington seeking the media's good opinion, I'm going to serve the American people."
Having thrown the gauntlet to the media, she should not be surprised when they ask her to choose her weapon and meet her at dawn. Their weapon, you can be assured will be the written word. If she is impressed with herself for firing up her audience, she should be aware that theirs is continuously on the air for people to be influenced.

She got rid of the governor's personal chef, she let us know (which cannot be a significant saving for the state), adding "I can assure you five kids certainly miss her at times." (Can it be that it might be an unhappy chef trying to please the taste of all those teenagers?) She accused Obama of being worried someone won't read us our rights, causing me to wonder if the culture of ignoring the Constitution will be carried on were she to be in Washington. She goes on to say, "He wants to grow the government. Taxes are too high...he wants to raise them." She gave no indication she is even aware of the budget, what programs are essential, and from where the money will come.

Having survived the first six years of the Republican Senate, I was appalled to hear her say, "Harry Reed, head of the do-nothing Senate." She must have been too busy having babies to have been aware of how little the Senate did other than rubber stamp Bush prior to Harry Reed.

Sarah Palin seemed, in her speech, to be totally oblivious to the issues of the 48 states down below her. She offered nothing but a pipeline and mentioned helping Ohio with raising employment there and another key State in the election. Her speech, though delivered emotionally and touching the fervor of the ramped up audience, had little to indicate that she could withstand a debate on world crises with Hillary Clinton (as a woman) or Barack Obama as the Democratic choice to be presidential candidate for 2008. It always saddens me when the bar to Office of the Presidency is lowered to the ridiculous. It is as disheartening as it was to hear of the Catholic Church's failure to protect its young people from predator priests by lowering its standards for priestly behavior.

Will we next find Internet colleges giving online courses on how to prepare yourself to be the next President? Indeed, that is what she is quite likely to be if she is now voted in as VP with a record of 1 out of three US VP's becoming President before the elected President's term of office has expired.


T-Dawg said...

Republicans never hold themselves accountable for their own failings or unfulfilled promises. Case in Point: The war in Iraq was only projected (laughably) to cost $40 Billion.

Remember, this is the party that doesn't make Decisions based on Facts, it makes Facts based on Decisions.

Yiayia said...

t-dawg, actually they said the American public wouldn't have to pay anything for the war, it would all come from Iraqi oil (quote Wolfowitz). I agree with your assessments on facts as dealt by them.